Whatever we disown in ourselves is reflected in the distance we keep with others.
“My husband and I tried several different therapists before we found what we were looking for in Don. With a non-judgmental attitude and respect for our dignity, Don skillfully helped us face some of the more difficult issues of our marriage in a way that allowed us to grow gracefully into a new place in our relationship. Don is unusually centered, present, non egotistical, and lacks the detachment that we have found in some other therapists. He infuses his sessions with a human quality that is the opposite of the stereotypical clinical experience of therapy. In short, we always feel like Don genuinely cares about us and has all the time in the world to spend with us. He is clearly in practice because it is a deep vocation for him, and not just to earn a living. As he himself says, it is a way for him to be the best human being he can be, and that sincerity comes through in every session.

… love is a continual process of seeking and losing emotional connection, and reaching out to find it again. The bond of love is a living thing. If we don’t attend to it, it naturally begins to wither. (Susan Johnson)
In couples therapy we explore the ways in which you are accessible and responsive to your partner, and how your perceptions and emotional experience influence how, when and if you attempt to engage and connect. How you relate to others in each moment is almost always a reflection of what is happening in your relationship with your self. Because of this and the fact that relationship counseling is often dynamic and interactive, people can experience significant changes faster and more comprehensively in couples therapy than they might in individual counseling.
Couples therapy is very challenging. It requires a commitment to learning how to mindfully witness and track your own emotional experience, perceptions and behavior while at the same time trying to remain open to, curious about and responsive to what your partner is experiencing. In session, I will help create an inviting holding environment and provide guidance wherein you can feel safe and trusting enough to practice these difficult skills, and thereby begin to acquire the courage, compassion, resilience, and integrity necessary to experience more fulfilling relationships.
… love is like a language. If you speak it, it flows more and more easily. If you don’t, then you start to lose it. The language of love is created and sustained by conversations in which partners feel accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement with one another. These conversations shore up the safe haven that is your relationship and nurture your ability to be flexible, to explore, and to keep your love alive and growing. (Susan Johnson)